American chapter

About the American Chapter


 Women, Peace and Security at American, also known as WPS@GT was founded in the Fall of 2023 by a group of American Graduate Students. It serves as the main student organization representing American in the wider Student Consortium on Women, Peace and Security.  By working in collaboration with members of the Student Consortium for Women Peace and Security we aim to foster a deeper understanding of the importance of gender issues across multiple disciplines and advocate for the institutionalization of  a feminist approach when solving critical peace and security issues. 

 Key Chapter goals: 

  • Coming soon!

Get involved.

WPS at American is a membership organization, All American students, undergraduate and graduate, interested in the WPS agenda are invited to join. Other members of the AU community, including undergraduate students, faculty, staff and alumni are welcomed to participate in our events and activities as non-member participants. 

To learn more about how to get involved, fill out an interest form or contact Jessica Hill​, AU Chapter President, at